Academic Resource Center

Burnout Assessment

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Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress, often resulting from overwhelming demands, responsibilities, or pressures, particularly in work or academic settings. It can lead to feelings of helplessness, cynicism, detachment, and a sense of reduced accomplishment or inability to cope effectively.

Common signs of burnout include:

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Feeling drained, overwhelmed, and unable to cope emotionally.
  • Depersonalization: Developing a negative or cynical attitude toward work, others, or oneself.
  • Reduced Performance: Experiencing a decline in productivity, creativity, and satisfaction with achievements.
  • Physical Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, or other stress-related physical complaints.
  • Emotional Symptoms: Increased irritability, anxiety, or depression.

Burnout is not just about feeling tired; it involves a deep sense of disconnection and diminished capacity to function effectively. Addressing burnout often requires rest, boundary setting, reconnecting with passions, and seeking support.

Please use this questionnaire to assess your level of burnout. The score breakdown is below the questions. Then, meet with an academic coach for help. 

How often do you feel physically and mentally drained at the end of your study day?

How frequently do you feel that your academic workload is too heavy for you to manage?

Do you find it difficult to focus on your studies because you feel constantly tired or overwhelmed?

Score the totals and use this scale for burnout assessment:

9-18 (low burnout)
19-27 (moderate burnout)
28-45 (high burnout)

Click here to schedule an appointment with an Academic Coach. They can help with time management, organization, learning differences, reading comprehension, critical-thinking and other academic skills that can ensure your success. 


Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey for students, MBI-GS (s) - assessments, tests: Mind garden. Mind Garden. (2024). 

You are done. Great job!

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