Academic Resource Center

Emailing Your Instructor

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Should I email my instructor?

If you have a question about course content – regarding concepts, assignment due dates, late policies, etc. – your classmates are probably confused, too! Instead of emailing, ask those questions in the course discussion board so everyone can benefit from the answer.

If your question is personal in nature – regarding a grade, feedback on an assignment, serious health issues, etc. – it is more appropriate to email your instructor. Their job is to help guide you through the course, so if you need help, ask!

How do I email my instructor?

Use full sentences, proper punctuation, and a formal tone. An email should look more like “snail mail” than a text message. Follow the steps below, then view the example.

  1. Use your official SNHU email account
  2. Find your instructor’s email address, either in their first “Welcome” announcement or in your course under “Tools” and “Classlist” in Brightspace
  3. Compose your email:
    1. Subject – briefly describe your question or request
    2. Salutation – greet your instructor and use their title and last name
    3. Body – clearly state your question or request; include your course number for their reference
    4. Explain what you do understand and share what you have already tried
    5. Closing – write “Sincerely” or another formal closing of your choice
    6. Signature – include your first and last names

From [email protected]

To [email protected]

Subject Question about assignment 3-2 grade

Dear Dr. Instruct,

I am a student in your ENG-122 QLB23 course. Could you please help me understand why I received a C- on assignment 3-2? I followed the assignment guidelines and thought I answered all of the questions. I reviewed your feedback on the grading rubric and still can’t figure out what I missed in my introduction.

Thank you in advance for the clarification.


Sample Student

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