Academic Resource Center

Mitigating External Distractions

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Types of External Distractions

Household Members:

  • Children or family need attention.
  • Roommates or partners engaging in conversations or activities.

Household Chores:

  • Laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc. seem to need immediate attention.


  • Construction, traffic, loud neighbors, or other environmental noise.


  • Pets demand attention or cause noise.

Television and Entertainment:

  • Temptation to watch TV or engage in other forms of entertainment.

Visitors or Deliveries:

  • Unexpected visitors or frequent deliveries interrupting work.

Social Media and Internet:

  • Browsing social media, news, or other websites that are not work-related.


Set Clear Boundaries:

  • Establish a dedicated workspace that is separate from common areas.
  • Communicate your work hours to household members and request minimal interruptions during these times.

Create a Schedule:

  • Stick to a regular work schedule and include breaks to manage household chores efficiently.
  • Use a planner or digital calendar to organize tasks and set reminders.

Use Noise-Canceling Tools:

  • Invest in noise-canceling headphones to block out background noise.
  • Play white noise or calming music to maintain focus.

Manage Pets:

  • Set up a routine for pet care that fits around your work schedule.
  • Create a designated area for pets to play or rest while you work.

Limit Entertainment Distractions:

  • Avoid working in areas where a TV or gaming console is easily accessible.
  • Use browser extensions to block distracting websites during work hours.

Plan for Visitors and Deliveries:

  • Inform friends and family of your work schedule and request they visit outside of those hours.
  • Schedule deliveries during breaks or outside of work hours.

Stay Off Social Media:

  • Use apps and extensions that limit or block access to social media during work hours.
  • Designate specific times for checking social media, such as during breaks.

Take Regular Breaks:

  • Incorporate short breaks throughout your day to recharge.
  • Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to work in focused intervals with scheduled breaks.

Stay Organized:

  • Keep your workspace tidy to minimize distractions.
  • Use task management tools like Trello, Asana, or Todoist to keep track of your work.

Practice Self-Discipline:

  • Develop a strong work ethic by setting personal productivity goals.
  • Reward yourself for staying focused and completing tasks.

SNHU acknowledges the use of ChatGPT-3.5, a large language model developed by OpenAI, in the preparation of this content.

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