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Student Skill Series: Note Taking Techniques (Pros & Cons)

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Taking notes while reading increases your understanding and recall of the information. 

Try these techniques and others. Mix and match until you create a technique that works for you!

Technique Pros Cons
Outline: List general topics and indent specific information beneath that; often uses an alphanumeric system
  • Organized
  • Easy to review
  • Can be used in MS Word, Google docs, or written longhand
  • Takes time
  • May not connect ideas/concepts easily
Cornell: Two columns, with information in the right. In the left, reflection/questions/comments/ key words. Summarize at bottom of the page
  • Organized
  • Easy to review
  • Free templates Online!
  • Format and space restrictions
  • Lack of creative flow
Graphic: mapping, flow charts, idea clouds, etc. Main ideas with supporting information connected
  • Encourages creativity, flow, and freedom 
  • Allows easy concept connections
  • May not be easy to review/find information
Summary: read a paragraph and summarize; repeat
  • Encourages learning through repetition
  • Is a rewarding practice when you succeed in explaining something to yourself
  • Allows you to recognize where you misunderstand concepts
  • Can be time-consuming 
  • May lead to missed details

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