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MBA-540: Tableau User Manual

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MBA 540 Module Four User Manual: Working with Tableau

The Tableau Public software is a free tool for presenting data in easy graphical formats for analyses. Refer to this user manual for doing the Tableau assignment.

Accessing Tableau Public via the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

1. Open the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) on your machine and then open the Tableau Public 2020.4 software.

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The Open screen of Tableau Public is displayed.

User Manual Working With Tableau.pdf - Google Drive - Google Chrome

Importing Files into Tableau Public

1. Open the Tableau Public software on your machine. The Open screen of Tableau Public is displayed.

NOTE: For steps to access the Tableau Public software via the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), refer Accessing Tableau Public via the VDI.

2. In the left pane, in Connect, under To a File, click Open.

User Manual Working With Tableau.pdf - Google Drive - Google Chrome

3. The File Explorer window is displayed. Go to Desktop, then the Business Analytics Course Content Folder, and then MBA-540. Select the CSV file to be imported and click Open.

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4. The imported CSV file is displayed in Tableau Public.

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Note: In Tableau Public, the imported file is displayed under the Data Source tab. You will find this tab at the bottom left corner of the screen.

User Manual Working With Tableau.pdf - Google Drive - Google Chrome

Performing Data Analysis

To answer the questions, you have been asked in the Module Four assignment, follow these steps:

1. Start a new Tableau Project and import the CSV file.

2. In the bottom left corner of the Tableau project, click on Sheet 1.

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A new sheet title, Sheet 1, is displayed.

User Manual Working With Tableau.pdf - Google Drive - Google Chrome

Note: To create new sheets, click the following icon in the bottom left corner of the screen:

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Analyzing Question 1

1. In a new sheet, in the left pane under Tables, drag Q1: Gender, given in qualitative data format (signified as Abc), and drop it in the right pane in Columns.

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2. Similarly, in the left pane under Tables, drag Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Qualitative Data), given in qualitative data format (signified as Abc), and drop it in Columns.

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3. To get the numerical data in the table, under Tables, drag Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Quantitative Data), given in quantitative data format (signified as # ), and drop it in the right pane in Rows.

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On dropping Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Quantitative Data) in Rows, a graph is displayed.

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4. In the right pane in Rows, point your cursor to SUM Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Quantitative Data). A green drop-down arrow is displayed.

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5. Select the green drop-down arrow.

6. In the options displayed, select Measure (Sum), and then select Count.

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The graph is now ready to perform analysis of question 1.

7. Point to a bar in the graph to get details regarding the same. For example, place your cursor over the fifth bar from the left. The data that is displayed signifies. 21 females are experiencing this burnout level: Pretty wiped out almost every day.

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Using step 6, find the number of males and females for the different burnout levels and answer question 1.

Analyzing Question 2

1. Create a new sheet.

2. In the left pane under Tables, drag Q1: Gender, Q2: Age, and Q6: How stressed are you at home? (Qualitative Data), given in qualitative data format (signified as Abc), and drop it in the right pane in Columns.

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3. In the left pane under Tables, drag Q6: How stressed are you at home? (Quantitative Data), given in quantitative data format (signified as #), and drop it in the right pane in Rows. The graph is displayed.

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4. In the right pane in Rows, for Q6: How stressed are you at home? (Quantitative Data), change Measure (Sum) to Count.

Note: For detailed steps on how to change the measure to Count, in Analyzing Question 1, refer to steps 4 and 5.

The graph is now ready to perform analysis of question 2.

5. Point to a bar in the graph to get details regarding the same. For example, place your cursor over the fourth bar from the left. The data that is displayed signifies 20 females of the age group 40–45 years are experiencing the stress level A little stress that would be expected with the ups and downs of life at home.

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Using step 5, find the number of males and females belonging to a particular age group who experience the different stress levels at home and answer question 2.

Analyzing Question 3

1. Create a new sheet.

2. In the left pane under Tables, drag Q4: Leadership Level and Q8: I love what I do. (Qualitative Data), given in qualitative data format (signified as Abc), and drop it in the right pane in Columns.

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3. In the left pane under Tables, drag Q8: I love what I do. (Quantitative Data), given in quantitative data format (signified as #), and drop it in the right pane in Rows. The graph is displayed.

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4. In the right pane in Rows, for Q8: I love what I do. (Quantitative Data), change Measure (Sum) to Count.

Note: For detailed steps on how to change the Measure to Count, in Analyzing Question 1, refer to steps 4 and 5.

5. Point to a bar in the graph to get details regarding the same. For example, place your cursor over the fifth bar from the left. The data that is displayed signifies 7 Executives Agree that they love what they do.

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Using step 5, find out the different number of leaders who love what they do and answer question 3.

Analyzing Question 4

1. Create a new sheet.

Note: For the steps to create a new sheet, refer the note given in Performing Data Analysis.

2. In the left pane under Tables, drag Q1: Gender, Q3: Tenure, and Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Qualitative Data), given in qualitative data format (signified as Abc), and drop it in the right pane in Columns.

User Manual Working With Tableau.pdf - Google Drive - Google Chrome

3. In the left pane under Tables, drag Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Quantitative Data), given in quantitative data format (signified as #), and drop it in the right pane in Rows. The graph is displayed.

User Manual Working With Tableau.pdf - Google Drive - Google Chrome

4. In the right pane in Rows, Q5: What is your current level of burnout at work? (Quantitative Data), change Measure (Sum) to Count.

Note: For detailed steps on how to change the Measure to Count, in Analyzing Question 1, refer steps 4 and 5.

5. Point to a bar in the graph to get details regarding the same. For example, place your cursor over the fifth bar from the left. The data that is displayed signifies that 7 females with the tenure of 2–5 years are experiencing the burnout level A bit worn out at the end of the day, several days a week.

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Using step 5, find the number of males and females with a particular tenure experiencing the different burnout levels and answer question 4.

For all questions, please take screenshot of your final work (the bar charts) and add them to your solution for the assignment.

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