Academic Resource Center

General Education Lenses Visual

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Any topic can be viewed from the four perspectives, or lenses, of general education: the humanities, the natural sciences, the social sciences, and history. Researching and analyzing through these lenses requires a general understanding of them, offered in the mind map below. When you use each lens to pose questions about your topic, your understanding expand! For an explanation how to form these questions, watch our video here.

Image of mindmap - decorative

See below for a breakdown of this mindmap as a table:

General Education Lenses
Topic Natural Sciences
  - Physics
  - Neurology
  - Biology
Topic Humanities
  - Film / Music
  - Art / Literature / Graphic Design
Topic Social Sciences
  - Psychology
  - Economics
  - Sociology
Topic History
  - Time Periods
  - Dates and Times
  - Names
Previous Article General Education Lenses: Shifting Perspectives
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